HT AdWorks Blog

Steal These 3 Tips to Build a Good Advertisement That’d Attract Customers

Dec 30, 2020 8:42:58 PM / by AdWorks Editorial Team

What comes to your mind when you hear the word advertising?

Social media ads, billboards, posters, Google ads, TV ads, Super Bowl Commercials and yada, yada, yada, all those things we see around us.

While many of us know what it is, only some folks know how it’s done well.

Let’s nail down exactly how to create a good advertisement. The three tips below will help you fine tune your ads so they evoke emotional interest in viewers and draw them in like a magnet.

How to Create an Ad that Draws Customers In?

1. Optimise Keyword Use to Rank on Search Results Pages (SERPs)

To build an effective ad, use of keywords should be optimized to rank better on search results pages. Using vague language in the ad makes it ineffective and does not draw in much traffic since it does not help consumers know what’s being marketed and how it would solve for their needs.

For example, let's say we Google “digital marketing agency in delhi”. This is the first ad that surfaces:


This tip can be leveraged for advertising, especially by a small business that sells product or services in a niche market.

2. Solve for Your Audiences’ Needs

Antonio Damasio, professor of neuroscience at the University of Southern California, in his book, Descartes' Error, writes that emotion is a critical ingredient to almost all decisions.

Hence, your advertising strategy must focus on stimulating the emotional core of consumer decision making. How can you accomplish this feat? By solving for your audiences’ needs through your ads that reflect how your product or services are a solution. This is likely to evoke an emotional response and intent of purchase.

Take a look at SuperImageMarket’s Twitter ad.


Ad copy such as "To Kickstart Your Design Project" solves the problem of a website owner, marketer, or a designer who’s strapped for budget and needs access to free images. This ad is sharp and relevant to the intended audiences. It clearly establishes that by clicking on this ad, the ad viewer would get access to a rich repository of free images for their business.

3. Leverage Your Customer Testimonials

Social proofs work. They really do!

The reason we recommend you to use customer testimonials in your ads is that it’s a proven and effective approach to boosting CTRs and conversion as people tend to trust testimonials more than the claims you make otherwise.

For instance, check out this Facebook ad for Infolinks

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You can make your testimonial advertisement look more authentic and trustworthy by adding your customer’s photo, designation and link to their website or social media accounts.

Think you’re now ready to take the market by storm with your advertising strategy?


HTMedia’s latest flagship program - HT AdWorks is an integrated platform that offers customizable media plans, expert consultations and exclusive discounts to business of all sizes and helps them grow better than ever. Our single-window platform lets you run do-it-yourself (DIY) campaigns seamlessly across all our print, radio and digital media properties.

Create an Ad that Converts


Tags: integrated advertising campaign, advertising campaign planning tips, Marketing